We think that the best customers are the happy customers! And we are ecstatic that our clients love The Luxembourgish Cask Selection!

We receive comments, testimonials and reviews daily and we share all of them here — good and bad. We do our best to add them to this page as quickly as possible but sometimes it might take us a week or two to catch up.



I drink single and blended malt whiskeys because they create a perfect, contemplative buzz and a comforting warmth up and down my gullet, deep into my belly. I started drinking them many years ago when I was a waiter…..and still enyoing it…



My number one reason I buy whisky is I really love all those different tastes that can be found in all your different whiskies and some specials I buy twice one to drink on to keep.



Zum richtigen Zeitpunkt einen guten Tropfen mit lieben Menschen genießen!



“je viens de m’inscrire, merci et au plaisir de vous rencontrer”


R. Markku Oja

I like the taste of whiskey.

R. Markku Oja

Geoff Anderson

I enjoy drinking it. And discovering more about it.

Geoff Anderson


I just like to collect asiatic whisky. Japan, India or Taiwan. I am always looking for interesting bottles



I cannot stop buying your whisky because I love it soooo much.



I like drinking whisky and discovering new aromas in this spirit



When I want to have a drink, I drink beer, when I drink whisky its an experience


Mohamed Ismail

“Hi Stephan and Ivo,
I am also crazy and I buy whisky because I love the taste and I love to change and I smoke cigars.
Around 40 different bottles and all of them are open 🙂
Hope to meet you soon ”

Mohamed Ismail

Chris Schoordijk

“The mean reason for buying whisky is that i am very fund of it
as specially the unpeated sherry casks. We also have once a month
a nosing and teasting and buy our whisky’s also for that reason”

Chris Schoordijk


I just joined the group and am quite new at drinking whisky in to bourbon.



Always a pleasure to meet new whisky friends I tried some a few years back and got some tips from a friend and fell in love with this new liquid gold I buy whisky to explore it and to discuss it with likeminded people Greetzz


Pieter (Belgium)

I signed up because collecting and tasting whisky is my hobby. I’m always looking to extend my collection with old and rare bottles.

Pieter (Belgium)

Niclas Rockedahl

Hi, just signed up! Number 1 reason I buy whisky is that i really enjoy a good dram!

Niclas Rockedahl


I haven’t purchased any whisky from your site yet – I wanted to add you to my list of possible suppliers, as I look across to Europe sometimes, to source bottles that are hard to find here in the UK, or, are not available here. I will continue to look at your site and emails, in the hope that something comes up in future, and I am still interested to receive details of your various offerings anyway – if that is OK with you guys?



Everything is very nice thanks to you..


David Thijs

The company you can enjoy it in together.

David Thijs


whiskey is not just a drink there is so much history in the making. the journey to produce a high quality item takes paitence



I buy whiskies just to drink and share them 😉


Michael Soibelmann

“Whisky ist eine Leidenschaft, die man schwer beschreiben kann.
Entweder man verliebt sich beim ersten Dram, so wie es mir passiert ist, oder man benötigt jemanden der einen mit der Nase darauf stößt…
Ich kaufe Whisky, (speziell schottischen) weil ich das Destillier Handwerk faszinierend finde und ebenso das Land und die Leute sehr schätze. Ganz abgesehen von dem wohltuenden Geschmackserlebnis, wenn man einen torfig süffigen Schluck feinstes flüssiges Gold im Mund hat!”

Michael Soibelmann


“Wij kopen Whisky voor een vriend, een zeer grote liefhebber en kenner!
Wij geven graag cadeautjes!”


Frank Bojahr

mein Hauptgrund ist die Vielfalt des weltbesten Getränkes weiter kennen zu lernen und auch langsam abseits des Mainstreams zu testen.

Frank Bojahr


I love the selection of whisky


Frank Bojahr

mein Hauptgrund ist die Vielfalt des weltbesten Getränkes weiter kennen zu lernen und auch langsam abseits des Mainstreams zu testen.

Frank Bojahr


I love to taste so many good whiskies.


Ulrich Schauff

“Hallo Stefan und Ivo,

herzlichen Dank für Eure u. a. Antwort auf meine Einschreibung. Gerne will ich Eure Frage, warum ich Whisky kaufe, kurz beantworten:

ich bin jetzt 56 Jahre alt und erst relativ spät, d. h. vor ca. 10 Jahren und mehr durch Zufall an Whisky herangeführt worden und dadurch auf den Geschmack gekommen. Ich bezeichne mich keinesfalls als Whiskykenner, aber ich genieße meine Whiskys, wie wahrscheinlich 99 % aller Whiskyliebhaber, stets in völlig entspannter Atmosphäre, sowohl allein als auch in Gesellschaft guter Freunde oder Bekannte, und wenn ich mit mir “”im Reinen”” bin. Das ist nicht jede Woche der Fall und erst recht nicht jeden Tag. Eben dann, wenn alles paßt. Außerdem trinke ich meinen Whisky stets in Maßen, d. h. maximal ein oder zwei Drams. Ich mag Whisky zu allererst natürlich wegen seines außergewöhnlichen Geschmacks, seiner unendlich vielfältigen Geschmacksrichtungen und der wunderbaren Aromen, die sich beim Öffnen der Flasche, Eingießen ins Glas und der anschließenden geruchlichen und geschmacklichen Verkostung entfalten und mir jedes Mal ein Genußerlebnis besonderer Art bescheren. Außerdem faszinierten mich die traditionell-handwerkliche Herstellung, das Können der an der Herstellung eines guten Whiskys Beteiligten und natürlich die “

Ulrich Schauff

Bas Evers

I drink a lot whisky and I invest. Mostly I drink one and I save one for later 🙂

Bas Evers

Roger E. Cooper

I buy whisky as a collector, in readiness to either drink at some suitable time, or to pass onto my grandchildren as part of their inheritance, to enjoy after I am gone.

Roger E. Cooper

Timo Nivalainen

“I love the variety of whiskies and surely taste/nose matters.
Even taste varies from day to day to me, but I have to admit that sherry casked and smokey/peated whiskeys are my favorites.
I just ordered a couple of bottles from your site. You’ve got a nice selection.”

Timo Nivalainen

Han Ketelaar

number one reasoin i ll drink whiskey that i like the taste of a good whiskey whit a nice sigar….prime time greets han.

Han Ketelaar

Marc Vervest

I buy whisky to drink and I buy some as investment

Marc Vervest


I like to taste Whisky, every time I have an opportunity



I just love the taste and the smell



“Thanks for accepting me in the club and will wish tell you mine reason to buy Wishky.
I drink only two these things : Old Brandy and wishky and of course wine too.”



The reason to buy whisky is to enjoy the taste, applying a fine collection and is some cases to make some money with selling some bottles.


Gilon Eric

Whisky is the life

Gilon Eric


The reason I buy whisky is to drink it, of course! 🙂


Mr Arne Kumlin

Hi ! Whisky is life, whisky is fire, and water, and when i drink a glass of whisky, time to time, i drink the work of the distiller and the work of nature, by passion and love, and i like to take my time to drink my glass, and this is particular of whisky, take time to feel all this work in my body , outside of the Time, like a parcel of eternity !

Mr Arne Kumlin


I buy your whisky to drink and collect, both 50%…


Jos Vaessen

“Der Hauptgrund weswegen ich Whisky kaufe, ist der Spaß/Passion jedesmal etwas neues zu finden dass ich dann mit Whiskyfreunden probier.
Wir sind mit sechs Männer und kommen alle zwei Monate zusammen, jeweils bei einem andern. Auch die andere fünf kaufen immer einen Whisky der noch nicht
auf unserer Liste steht. So haben wir immer sechs Whiskys auf einem Abend. Läuft schon fast zehn Jahren so!”

Jos Vaessen


“I adore whisky
I breathe whisky
And I invest”



My boyfriend is a whisky lover, It’s not me 🙂



I needed your whisky for the woman of my heart!


Stefan R

“In the early days I was a Cognacfreek, but when I realized the broad taste Whisky had I started tasting different sorts.
After a while I realized for instans the India produced high Quality Whisky (Amrut) an later even Paul John in Goa.
Some Fresh distilleries were also of good quality. Cognac produced i in the same area in France and the same grapes, and the
same process, quite boring. Glenlivet experimental with the Triumph Barley to me it was a star.(Nadurra the early ones)”

Stefan R


I joined your club to receive info on superior single malt whisky’s preferably single cask one’s.



“Würdet Ihr Schottland ohne Whisky besuchen oder sogar ertragen? Ne, im ernst, Whisky ist vielfältig, schmeckt und man muß die Flasche nicht gleich an einem Abend austrinken. Vom Wein bekommt man einen Kopf und durcheinandertrinken sollte man ihn auch nicht. Man(n) kann ihn sammeln und je nach Befinden austeilen. Das einzig nervige ist die Tatsache, daß man nur eine Verkostung bekommt wenn man sich die Produktion angesehen hat.
Bis auf bald, vielleicht sieht man sich mal.
Tschau Kalle
Grüße aus der Stadt Brandenburg an der Havel”



I’m member of your whisky club and I like to taste, to smell and to enjoy the whisky’s


Hans Borchert

“Hallo Stephan and Ivo
Nach einem anstrengenden und ereignisreichen Tag, gibt es fast nichts besseres als ein bis zwei Gläschen leckeren Whiskys. Deshalb kauf ich gerne mal ein Fläschchen!
Einen schönen Tag noch
PS Tolle Seite!!!!”

Hans Borchert


The main reason I buy your whisky is because I’m very fond of it.



“Hey, I just signed up!
In my opinion, is not the good question : what is the reason to “”BUY”” wisky. Maybe “”what is the reason to drink wisky?”” is an apropiate question.
And the answer is simple : because i likke it. And no other alchoolical drink is so variate and strong than wisky. (Sorry for my english)”


Metzler Steve

Ich bin eher ein Whiskysammler trinke aber hin und wieder gern ein gutes Gläschen

Metzler Steve


hello Stefan and Ivo, my answer and my opinion about your delicious water of life is because the whisky is a wonderful elixir for enjoy in the best at the chosen time



Es gibt doch nur einen Hauptgrund Whisky zu kaufen: Die “FREUDE” am Genießen!!! slainthe



how someting so pure alsow complex at the same time….a true fruit of labour……not just a liqour somting more….knowing it will servive me and only become better in time…thats wy i collect and drink whisky….to feel connected.


Kevin Whealton

I love the Variety! What catches my eye in a whisky is of course its taste, the natural color of the whisky and the packaging.

Kevin Whealton


The reason I buy your whisky is to enjoy a glas at the and of a hard day work, or the share with friends.


Giancarlo Eifù

I buy your whisky because I love wihisky’ world and I am just a little whisky’s collector.

Giancarlo Eifù

Ad Pronk

“Hi Stephan and Ivo,
The ONE reason for me to drink your whisky is the flavour. Next to this I like Irish whiskey because it’s sweeter (softer) than Scotish whisky.
Best wishes for 2017”

Ad Pronk


“the number one reason i buy your whiskey is I Simply Enjoy the Moment I Feel the Single Malt in My Mouth. thats it.



My number one reason to buy from you was a Port ellen 35 years. Thank you for fulfilling a great wish of mine



“I was brought up in Speyside & have been a Whisky drinker for 55 years … some of the crap I read about whisky is complete bull …. most of these supposed ‘great drams’ are grossly overpriced and if they need storing in a sherry cask for flavour then they are fundamentally flawed… if a whisky starts off life as ordinary, no amount of doctoring or ageing will improve it.
Yesterday a friend & I demolished a 30 year Old Macallan costing us £41 that was a dram that really stood out… but very few do that and if you want a real good everyday dram try the pale Glen Moray currently on special for around £20 … now there is a whisky you can sip day in day out…
…..and if you cannot have a drop without adding soda or water or whatever mixer then the cheaper blended ones like Glen Orchy are what you need & that is a good buy from Lidl at about £11.
Oh, and I love your services”



Your selections are very spécials. You have some whiskys that we can’t find enywhere else, like “as we get it” for exemple or the specials botteled too. I hope that the product will be very good, if yes, and I hope, I will order some other bottles, I have a long wish list in my account. It’s a great Idea to sell spécials high quality whiskys



hoi, i love heavy peated whisky like “the octomore range”



Hello ! I buy whisky from you, then some parts I drink, some parts I sell!



I collect limited editions and rare whiskies. Thank you for existing!



Oh, The taste!



Single reason, I buy your whisky because I like it 😉



Hallo Stephan und Ivo, Der Hauptgrund wie so ich Whisky kaufe ist zum trinken. Schön entspannen nach ein Tag harter Arbeit. Endloss geniessen mit einen guten Whisky und ne gute Sigare, was kan mann sich mehr wünschen.


Thomas Bär

Hi, es gibt so viele unterschiedliche Geschmacksrichtungen. Da ist jedes öffnen einer neuen Flasche Whisky absolut aufregend !

Thomas Bär


I love the taste!



I get your whisky to taste the amazing differences in flavour, to savour the time drinking with friends.



Servus, was soll ich sagen, der Spruch sagt doch schon alles.



I buy your whisky because i love your whisky so much



Hallo Stephan und Ivo, ich trinke gerne Whisky, deshalb kaufe ich ihn.


Peter Steventon

I buy your good Whisky to remind me of the great times I had in Scotland

Peter Steventon

Pia Adriën


Pia Adriën

Ton Herweijer

Hello there, Your whisky brings a smile on my face…time and time again, no matter which brand or flavor. We all have favorites but the first sip always makes me smile. Looking forward hearing more from you about whisky. Have a good year!

Ton Herweijer

Tim Decat

I enjoy your whisky. I drink and collect and that’s why I buy it

Tim Decat




Vasko Lalic

Hallo Stephan, hallo Ivo, der Hauptgrund warum ich Whisk(e)ys kaufe ist mein Job.


Vasko Lalic

Ellen + Dieter

Hallo Zusammen, der Hauptgrund ist, mal neue Flaschen zu probieren, am liebsten mit sehr strengem Torfgeschmack und Rauch. Viele Grüße aus Idar-Oberstein.

Ellen + Dieter


A friend of mine signed me up for the Club as a present — the best present I’ve ever received in my life!!



I did it! I’ve just signed up for the Club. I am so excited! Looking forward to my first delivery.


N.A. de Graaff

To complete a relaxing moment after a busy day.

N.A. de Graaff


The reason is collection I collect Macallan only


Mark McLean

Hi guys!

I enjoy a single malt whisky occassionally at home, but the most recent purchases have been
as investments. I have a small collection of about 7-8 whiskies and want to extend that.

Mark McLean

Pjer Senden

Hello Stephan and Ivo,
My number ONE reason to buy whisky is that I am a great fan of whisky in all of its aspects.
I taste, organize tastings, read al lot of it, add whiskies to my collection and above all: Enjoy the drinking of
Best regards,
Pjer Senden

Pjer Senden

Bernard AbiSaab

Hello Stephan & Ivo
number one reason i buy whisky is:
my first time experience in single malt whisky was in 2003, a glass of Lagvulin 16 years, and from that
time i am hooked
it started as a passionate drinker and now i am a collector with around 550 bottles, i love the Islay region
(peated whisky) of which mainly most of my bottles are from. Not from a small period of time i started
collecting Laphroaig “Distillery bottling” bottles.
Thank you for your hospitality

Bernard AbiSaab


Hi Stephan and Ivo ,
I buty whiskey for a couple of reasons ,I like to look at it on my Whiskey shelf, i like to research where its
from and i like to invest in it as well.
Best Regards,


Jochem Privé

So far i’m happy with it.
I contacted my dear friend Peeter about The Luxembourgish Cask Selection in connection with our whisky
weekend and as I understood Peeter
arranged a private tasting with Stephan (at Peeters house) in the evening of the second of march
I’m looking forward to meet you (and the whisky’s / tasting)
See you soon,


Jochem Privé

Walter Elias

Weil ich es liebe Whisky zu trinken zu probieren und zu sammeln

Walter Elias


Good morning !
I love Whisky !
Scotch Whisky ! It’s a wonderful univers !
so i like discovering and tasting new and old and rare Whisky !
But also with the best price !
I ´m living in Paris !
But one of my sister is living Luxembourg !
Thank’s !
Have a good day !
À bientôt !



Hello my interest is to taste and recognize flavors and of course to collect thank for any new
knowledge you give me in the future. Also excuse me for any mistake about my english
iam from Greece. Thanks a lot


Chen Shiwei

To be able to enjoy the finest liquids on earth before i die….haha
Best regards,

Chen Shiwei

John Schotanus

I like to invest in whisky and to taste them.

John Schotanus

Georg Köldorfer

Bin begeisterter Single Malt Scotch Whisky – Sammler.
Freue mich Eure Seite gefunden zu haben.
Bis bald
Liebe Grüße

Georg Köldorfer

Oliver Jacobs

Ich kaufe Whisky, um ihn zu trinken. 🙂
Viele Grüße

Oliver Jacobs

Claus Madsen

Hi Stephan and Ivo.
I just signed up.
If I should pick one reason I buy whisky, it would be because of the variety of taste.
I love the way I can get challenged in trying a new flavour. Also to have something that gives me
a moments peace while I sip it, is fantastic.
I’m not really into smoky whiskies, but do own a few for those days where it seems right for just
one of those.
My favorite would be either my Port Ellen from 1982 (have one for drinking and one for keeping,
or a Macallan, that I sadly don’t have anymore (and never wrote down the specific name of it).

Claus Madsen

Laurent Hizette

Je suis curieux de gouter tout produit noble et fabriqué avec passion.

Laurent Hizette


The reason why I buy whisk(e)y is because I am a collector and drinker.



*What is the number ONE reason you buy whisky?
Interesting question…. I buy bottles of whisky primarily to enjoy a
unique flavour and taste, either alone or with a few friends.



By the way bottle arrived in great condition .Thanks


ferry evenberg

Hello Stephan and Ivo,
My number one reason to buy whisky is to drink it with friends.
A greeting from Hengelo The Netherlands,

ferry evenberg

Ivaylo Dolmov

I like the wood taste of whiskey!

Ivaylo Dolmov

Bernhard Van Hout

Stehan, Ivo,
I buy whisky to complement my love foor good tasty food and drink.
It’s a reward for working days and added value for weekends.
Sometimes a nice in-between.
I met interesting and interested people at tastings also.

Bernhard Van Hout

kevin pollet

Hi ,
i just like whiskey and I’m interested in tastings as well. specialy the single malts.
Best regards,

kevin pollet

Gerard Gabrin

Hello, … my answer is :

it is a set;

* return unique tastes;

* remember Scotland as much as possible and;

* each time a moment of calm and pure happiness.


Gerard Gabrin

P-O Bengtsson

Hey, I just signed up!
Why buying whisky??
Love it!! Easy… 😉

P-O Bengtsson

Carlos Eduardo

The number ONE reason to buy whisky is ther history.

Carlos Eduardo

Antoin Boerboom

Hi there,
Mostly I buy whisky to discover new tastes, but also a couple of bottles that are always in my
collection to regularly drink.

Antoin Boerboom

Kenny Biesmans

Hi Stefan and Ivo,
I by whisky mostly for drinking and some to collect.
Collect Highland park,and bottels distilled in 1981.
I bought the Highland park 16(old version) a while ago from your shop.
First time i bought from u Guy’s.
Well packed, fast service an quick responsie of my mail.
So i will by more often from your shop.
Was verry pleased to buy from you guys.
And the package and botlle where in mint condition.Just like new,Superb
Thx again and hope u soon have something that i m Looking for.
Much regards and keep up te good(hard)work.
Greetings from belgium

Kenny Biesmans

Gilles Simon

der Hauptgrund … ich liebe Whisky egal ob als Digestif oder einfach mal so mit nem Stück
Schokolade in selber gemachten Marinaden usw … auch mag ich es Leute die meinen ich trink
sowas nicht … vom Gegenteil zu überzeugen … ich sage immer es gibt für jeden einen Whisky
und hier ging auch nich keiner aus dem Haus der nach dem Tasting meiner Privaten Sammelung
nicht was gefunden hat …
Mit freundlichen Grüßen aus Merzig.
Gilles Simon
Festnetz: +49

Gilles Simon

Peter Couttenye

Collection and drinking

Peter Couttenye

Dr. Bernhard Cüpper

Hallo Stephan und Ivo,
Ihr fragt, warum ich Whisky kaufe? Macht man das denn nicht, weil man ihn gern trinkt? Ich trinke
gerne gute Spirituosen: Obstbrände, Cognac, Rum und vor allen Dingen Whisky wegen seiner
großen Geschmacksvielfalt. Ich liebe rauchige Whiskys genauso wie nicht rauchige, die nach
Früchten schmecken. Mein absoluter Lieblingswhisky ist ein Caperdonich von 1972, 2008 abgefüllt
von Gordon and MacPhail, der aber nicht mehr aufzutreiben ist.
Viele Grüße aus dem Aachener Land,

Dr. Bernhard Cüpper

Sarah Haward

Hi Ivo,
The feedback was all really positive, both about the whiskey that you brought a long and the
way you hosted the event! Great work and many thanks for the additional person 🙂

Thanks again

Sarah Haward

nathan De Bruin

Hey Guys,
The number one reason for me to buy whisky is: Passion. I love the the unique historic stories
behind whisky and it makes me understand the specific whisky even better. Love all different
kind of whisky’s and I would love to taste as many as possible.
Kind regards,

nathan De Bruin

Kevin Verelst

The reason i buy whisky is because i love the complexety of the product.
Every bottle has his own story and tast.
At home relaxing with a good dram alone or with friends is the reason why this is a great

Kevin Verelst

Stephen Russell

collect and drink primarily Scottish single malt.
Dalmore, Highland Park, Ardbeg, Glenfiddich, Johnnie Walker.

Stephen Russell

larry juhlin

the main reason of buying whisky is for me the unlimited amount of flavour.
larry j

larry juhlin

Henri Patrick Ceusters

every new tasting is a new adventure : the wisky tells his own story

Henri Patrick Ceusters

Michael Lücking

weshalb ich Whisky kaufe. Keine andere Spirituose bietet mir so eine Geschmacksvielfalt. Zudem
kann ich Whisky auch bedenkenlos lange lagern ohne mir Gedanken machen zu müssen wann ich
den Tropfen trinke bevor schlecht wird (wie z.B. beim Wein).
Auch die lange Reifung zwischen Destillation und Abfüllung macht den Reiz von Whisky aus, wenn
man bedenkt was an zeitgeschichtlich dazwischen passiert ist.
Gruss Michael

Michael Lücking"

Fatih Duymus


Fatih Duymus

Walter Snedden

Hi Stephan / Ivo
Thanks for your email confirming my subscription
I normally buy at auction or privately to keep for investment purposes.
Walter Snedden

Walter Snedden

Raymond Kappen

In (Scotch Single Malt) Whisky you’ll taste more different flavours than in any other drink.

Raymond Kappen

Michael Hyams

Thanks for the email. Your website is good. I do not buy very much whisky at the moment, because my
collection shelf is very full and whisky cost is high. I will keep loking at your website.
Again, thanks.
Mike Hyams

Michael Hyams

Alwyn J. van den Berg

Hi Stephan and Ivo,
My number one reason for buying whisky is for its uniqueness in taste.
Kind regards,

Alwyn J. van den Berg

Twan BlackDesire

hi stephan and ivo,
sorry for my bad english.
my number one reason to drink whisky is the taste.
and it brings me in a better sleep!
friendly regards,
twan from the netherlands

Twan BlackDesire

Tom Steiger

Der Hauptgrund Whisky zu kaufen ist um ihn zu trinken. Am liebsten mit meinen Whisky Jungs.
Liebe Grüße Tom

Tom Steiger

Markus Jörg

Ich habe ein Lokal in Tirol und biete mehr als 380 verschiedene Whisky´s an. Ich mache auch für 1
Monat „Schottische Highlanderwochen“ und biete auch Seminare mit Whiskymenü an.
Hier meine Homepage
Grüße aus Kössen
Markus Jörg

Markus Jörg

Denis Teirlijnck

Hi there, Just like the good taste (mostly slightly pe&ated ones) and … I love Scotland! Regards. Denis

Denis Teirlijnck

rene mulder

Because i like it

rene mulder

P.C.H. Groeneweg

There is no number one.
It is just very complicated:
I have the idea that if I want to drink affordable Whisky in the next 20 Years, I should have bought it already.
It seems a good idea to buy the bottles that I enjoy now, that if I would change my profile I can swap them
against the ones that my taste changed into.
OK, for investment as well. If the investment fails at least I have bottles to enjoy.
Kind regards, Peter

P.C.H. Groeneweg

chris vandeweyer

I buy wisky in the first place because good wisky is so deliciuos, It’s My abosolute favoriet
and I neef my daily tasting.
Beside enjoying wisky I buy every mont a rare, old, or a limited bottle(s) as investiment

chris vandeweyer

Michael Hyams

Prefer malts to blends. Blended whisky is too sweet for my taste.

Michael Hyams

Geo Maza

The reason is that i want to taste the gentlemans flavors!
The best thing in life is just a good cigar and a good glass of whisky!

Geo Maza

Dominik Holzer

Thanks for your effort Stephan,

The bottle arrived yesterday in Melbourne in excellent condition and without any extra duty
from the Tax-man!
Great result!
I’ll be in touch about future purchases. BTW: I’m currently trying to find a bottle of ‘Corio’
Australian Whisky. Seems one rather gets it in Europe or Japan than here locally.

Dominik Holzer


Hi Stephan and Ivo,
My main reason to buy whisky is that I enjoy tasting the flavours and celebrating them in the
company of my friends and family. We often share our opinions and sensations so it is a very
mindful (such a popular term nowadays…) experience.
Of course then many things are important – the taste, the colour, the smell. Also, I always enjoy
to spend a moment admiring the design of the bottle.
Thanks for creating the platform,
Keep up the good work,



I adore the whisky and i love to drink it with a cigar
Thank you and keep going
Nabil Bou Raad


pieter eijssen

I want to enjoy life.

pieter eijssen

Mike Kiser

I like a good Whisky with my cigar.

Mike Kiser

Hub Sporck

Hello, to relax en drink and enjoy the flavour of a glass whiskey.
Regards Hub

Hub Sporck

Cor Wijker

I can drink it with much pleasure with my lovely wife.
Balvenie is one of our favorite destilleries.
With kind regards,
Cor Wijker

Cor Wijker

Bas Rottier

What is the number ONE reason you buy whisky?
for small quality moments on special occasions

Bas Rottier

Michiel Coltura

The one reason is the exploration of the mistery of the unlimited variation in taste

Michiel Coltura

Michiel Coltura

Nils Sahlstrom

Why I buy whisky (number ONE reason), for me whisky making is a handicraft. I buy to ensure I
can get a high quality dram at anytime.
Best regards
Nils Sahlstrom
Lagos, Portugal (but from Sweden)

Nils Sahlstrom

Angelo Mylle

I’m interested in whisky since the year 2006, and we started an own whisky club in the hotel with
45 members
recently , I started collecting whisky, merely from the distilleries I fancy (macallan, benriach,
mortlach, highland park, tomatin , …)
maybe I will visit you when we are in the region of the belgian ardennes
best regards,

Angelo Mylle

Angelo Mylle

michael poole

Buy whisky to enjoy and to collect

michael poole

Neil Murray

What is the number one reason you buy whisky ?
Currently the answer(s) to that question are to expand my knowledge of this spirit and creating
new blends.
Kind Regards

Neil Murray

Ed van Riel

I like to drink Good whisky

Ed van Riel

Roberto Ravalico

well, i buy whisky,s because It,s nice to Enjoy, a good pure glass of taste, there are somany,.!
greetings , roberto

Roberto Ravalico

Danny liefman

investment and I just love whisky

Danny liefman

Marc Mollé

Hi guys
Love single malt, have a small collection of my own that is growing slowly and just keen to keep in touch with
whats out there because in South Africa, we kind of limited to whats on our shelves.

Marc Mollé

Markus Mayr

Hi guys,
well my main reason for buying Whisky is the taste. There´s nothing better than sitting in a
comfortable chair with a good dram in the hand. A friend of mine ordered from you and i took
the opportunity and asked him to put the Cigar Malt and the Chieftains BenRiach in his order.
So i´m excited to taste them once they are here.
Take care,

Markus Mayr

Alex Bolkhovitinov

Dear Stephan and Ivo,
I buy whiskey to expand my collection. I just signed up.
Best regards.

Alex Bolkhovitinov

Stef van der Linde

Hi Stephan and Ivo,
The number one reason I buy whisky is because of all the different complexities, such as the
smoke from the peat.
Kind regards,
Stef van der Linde

Stef van der Linde

Johan Lievens

hello there,
for many years I go to tastings, I even was president of a whiskyclub in our town and for the
last 5 years I started to collect special editions.
I’m glad I learned my 2 sons to aprreciate whisky too and now I joiuned your website to see if
there’s something that interests me to buy.

Johan Lievens

Dawn Zdinak

I recently visited Wales and tried Penderyn Whiskey and fell in love!!!

Dawn Zdinak

Winooht. I. Raghoober

Am a whisky lover & collector for 10 years and have more then 30 bottels , have a club with 8
guys share the same interest We have four whisky tastings per year and are always looking
for specials.

Winooht. I. Raghoober

Roberto Ravalico

well, i buy whisky,s because It,s nice to Enjoy, a good pure glass of taste, there are so- many,.!
greetings , roberto

Roberto Ravalico


Hi bonjour
J’adore gouter le whisky. Je suis commenceé avec glenrothes, apres j’ai trouvez le tourbe (ardbeg,
laphroaig). Maintenant j’ai bu un springbank et il est excellent..
Je collecte aussi un peu mais vends rien :-)..


Petra Wagner

Hi Stephan und Ivo,
danke für die freundliche Begrüßung.
Ich liebe Whisky und er ist jedes mal eine Überraschung für Nase und Gaumen,
außerdem verschwindet die eine oder andere Flasche im Keller, da sie sehr selten sind.
Ich freue mich von euch zu hören
Herzlichen Gruß

Petra Wagner


Because it is a fine drink and different!


Labib Feidy

Whisky is my passion so no ONE word to describe why I buy.. but TWO 🙂
To enjoy and to collect!

Labib Feidy

Ulf Åberg

Actually three ressons. To drink the drams i enjoy the most, buy the rare and collectable whiskies
for my collection and to taste as many wiskies i can before i die ☺

Ulf Åberg

Luca Caviglioni

the parcel is arrived.
Thanks very much!!!! Very good bottles and perfect packaging.
Kind Regards
Luca Caviglioni

Luca Caviglioni

Herman Arts

Investment on 1

Herman Arts

Luke Dingley

Hi I have just signed up,
I am looking to start collecting whisky as future investment as well as trying new and
interesting whisky, so I am trying to do a bit of research and get started.

Luke Dingley

Heiko Friedrich

Hi, the main reason buying whisky is enyoing it in the special moments ich live…

Heiko Friedrich


Hallo Ivo und Stephan,
Ich schalte Abends gut bei einem Glas Whisky ab und mag es neue Geschmäcker zu


Sven Fresenborg

der Geschmack und das Feuer.

Sven Fresenborg

Marcus Lange

Meine Präferenz um Whisky zu kaufen ist der Genuss.

Marcus Lange

Olivier Kuijer

Hi Stephan and Ivo,
I just enjoy drinking and tasting whisky.
I’m always on the look for the not so common whisky’s and I believe as what I already saw on
your internetsite you also do.
Best regards, Olivier Kuijer

Olivier Kuijer

Mike Walkley

To enjoy the lovEly coLouis through my glass

Mike Walkley

Luc Cooreman

I just signed in on your site.
Why do you ask, well that’s simple, because i like to taste and enjoy a good dram of
whisky on my own or with some friends.
And it’s always nice to look out for new, good and special whisky’s.
Thanks for letting me in,

Luc Cooreman

Dr Jean-Marc Cloos

Number One Reason: the Taste.

Dr Jean-Marc Cloos

Elisha Tas

Guten Tag Stephan und Ivo,
Ich liebe Whisky, so simple is the answer ….
Am Abend -wenn alles still wird- schmeckt ein Glass Single Malt …. slowly enjoying the taste.
Ein schönes Wochenende,

Elisha Tas

Anil Nayar

I like the taste of whiskys, especially peated and rich.

Anil Nayar

Jeroen Van de Walle

received the bottles today, thank you for the good packing and fast shipment.

Jeroen Van de Walle


Hi ,
I just sign up and i like whiskey to drink and as a investment.
Greatings koen


Kees Temminck

Hi Stephan and Ivo,
Because it is such a beautiful and historical products with his large variety in brands, packaging
and taste.
I am only interested in Scottish Malt Whiskies.
I am especially looking for the Craigellachie in a wooden box of the Flora and Fauna range. My
favorite brands are Glenmorangie an Macallan.
Best regards,

Kees Temminck

Guangda Li

Für mich ein Whisky zu kaufen ist sowohl sammeln und auch verkaufen.

Guangda Li

Thierry Derfel Hemptinne

Whisky is the ever tasteful treat that brings pleasure to anyone who would like to taste art and
life to the last drop.
In brief… I truly love whisky.

Thierry Derfel Hemptinne

pepe deba

a good time with good friends having a good whisky

pepe deba

Hannes Stadler

Hey guys,
I buy Whisky to drink with my family or good friends just to have a good time and to discuss
about different flavours.
Best Regards,

Hannes Stadler

Luiz Roberto de Oliveira

Hi Stephan and Ivo.
May number one reason to buy whisky is very simple.
I’m Whisky collector and started my collection with 13 years old.On the moment I’ have 52 years
and near of 5000 thousand different botlles.
Always I ‘looking to a new and different botlle.
Best Rgds.
Luiz R. Oliveira.

Luiz Roberto de Oliveira

Kwemoi Daniel Bomet

Whisky is reality; taste of good whisky is a reminder of the good in the inside of me!

Kwemoi Daniel Bomet

Schramer Marc

I like to drink a good Whisky .
mat beschte Gréiss

Schramer Marc

Emmanuel Schmit

I like to drink Jack Daniel’s (Old 7, White Rabbit, Gentelman Jack) and want to discover other whiskeys.
Best regards.

Emmanuel Schmit

Jean-Jacques Betz

I’m a friend of Scotland and I like drinking Whisky as a pleasure.
Best greetings.
Betz Jean-Jacques

Jean-Jacques Betz

Dr. Jörg Gerhardus

I Love Whisky, Thais all.

Dr. Jörg Gerhardus

hans knockaert

it’s just enjoying the taste of craftsmanship.

hans knockaert


the number one reason to buy whisky is to taste whisky’s
that i never met before


Stuart Lehy

I love the complexities of the different whiskies world wide and sharing the experience with
friends is always amazing

Stuart Lehy

Tomasz Piluchowski

Hello. I am a collector and connoisseur of whiskey

Tomasz Piluchowski

Noel Thompson

Hi I just love the different flavours you can get with the malt whiskey how they are so smooth
to drink

Noel Thompson

Dieter Challie

Hallo Stephan, hallo Ivo,
so far so good. War die letzte Zeit ziemlich oft unterwegs (Dienstreisen, Sitzungen, Gewerkschaft der
Polizei, Hauptpersonalrat) und hatte nur wenig Zeit mich um mein schönes Hobby zu kümmern. Das
1. Hobby, Bücher restaurieren und herstellen hat mich nämlich auch in Beschlag genommen gehabt.
Aber es wird sicherlich besser, denn ab 31. August 2018 bin ich Pensionär und kann meinen Hobbies
mehr Zeit widmen ;-)) Des Weiteren haben wir die Maler und Dachdecker in unserer 5-Häuser WEG,
deren Verwaltungsbeiratsvorsitzender ich bin. Die Anlage ist nunmehr 20 Jahre und ein Neuanstrich
und Dachkontrolle durch die letzte Eigentümerversammlung berschlossen worden. Das noch
Also kommen wir zum Feedback. Eure Seiten und die enthaltenen Nachrichten sind sehr
ansprechend und informativ. Habe inzwischen weitere Whiskyfreunde auf Euch aufmerksam
Bin noch am überlegen, welches Abo ich bei Euch buche. Ich denke, ich fange mal klein an mit den
Apotherkerfläschchen, die mich sehr ansprechen. Von den 0,7er Flaschen habe ich schon ein sehr
gutes Sortiment, da ich von jeder, von mir besuchten Distille min. 1 Flasche als Erinnerung habe.
Angefangen habe ich seinerzeit mit dem Classic 6 Tasting mit einem Ambassador von Diageo.Und
dann kam 2011 die 1. Reise nach Schottland mit Tomintoul, Glendronach und BenRiach und Balbair,
2013 die 2. Schottlandreise mit Auchentoshan, Laphroaig, Kilchoman und Oban, die 3. Reise dan
nach Islay mit Bowmore, Kilchoman, Bruichladdich,Lagavulin, Laphroaig und Caol Ila. Und Oktober
2018 geht es in die Highlands.
Herzliche Grüße aus Wiesbaden

Slàinte Mhath

Dieter Challie

James Mcmenemy

Hi I collect some, and I drink some, always have a selection open, for when the mood takes
me. On Saturday we shared some Glenfarclas 175, and a Royal Loch Nagar, Marsala Cask both
excellent drams, sadly now finished.
Good luck with the business.
Scotch Whisky is Wonderful, I have had some drams I could have loved better, but never one I

James Mcmenemy

Jaco Dingemanse

My no.1 reason for buying whisky; to drink it with friends and keep some nice collectors item.
Your site seems nice to me, will try to order soon.
Regards, Jaco

Jaco Dingemanse

Ton Sieraad

Hi Stephan and Ivo
The reason I buy whiskey is the heavenly taste

Ton Sieraad


because it’s the greatest spirit on earth !!
everything else is nothing compared to whisky !


Chris Te Pas

Het is heerlijk om de verschillende smaken van de whisky’s te ontdekken
Chris te Pas

Chris Te Pas

Jake Flett

I buy whisky for 2 reasons, to taste and also to Collect!

Jake Flett

Marinus van der Stelt

Everything goes well, your site looks nice.

Marinus van der Stelt

Frederique Heremans

Hi, the taste. Love the taste.
greets Frederique

Frederique Heremans

Matias Yakimovsky

Hi Ivo,
I received the package safe and sound (see picture attached). Thank you for the great packaging, the special dram
added and for the special invoice, it helped a lot for customs in Argentina and the tax I had to pay. UPS service was
fast and deliver as stated in their page. I must say I’m very happy with the great service received and will be looking to
make another purchase in the months to come.
Thank you and best regards,

Matias Yakimovsky

Christelle De Vreese

Hello, just a quick word to say the parcel arrived today. Thanks a lot for your availability and
your “quickness”.

Christelle De Vreese

Simone Helfen

Hallo Stephan und Ivo. ….:)))
Der Hauptgrund ist sammeln als Geldanlage. ….also im besten Fall
Liebe Grüße

Simone Helfen

Kristof Neiss

My nr 1 reason —-> to drink

Kristof Neiss

Fábio Baptista

I buy whisky because the taste. I do love this whisky taste.

Fábio Baptista

Dani Astivo

Ich liebe es Whisky zu genießen besonders so einer tollen Marke.

Dani Astivo

Marc De Rybel

What is the number ONE reason you buy whisky?
there is nothing better than Whisky
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Marc De Rybel

Marc De Rybel

Janice Morgan

I’m buying whiskey to drink mostly but, expensive and hard to find bottles, I like to collect and drink only on special occasions.

Janice Morgan

Christer Jacobson

I collect Macallan!

Christer Jacobson

Hendri Liebenberg

Hello Stephan and Ivo
The only reason I buy a whiskey is for taste. Just finishing off my bottle of Suntory Hibiki it was so
good so now I’m looking for something else that’s interesting. I do tend to enjoy a good bourbon
so I was looking for the Austin TX republic whiskey, as a friend recommended it to me but I can’t
seem to find it here in Canada.
Hendri Liebenberg

Hendri Liebenberg

Gawie van As

Good day Stephen,
I have asked that question to myself many, many times and I do not have a clear cut answer. I am quite
fascinated by it, do drink it but love to own it. I do gather (won’t say collect as the 60+ bottles I have is
nothing in comparison with real collectors, not to mention value) but are not interested in keeping it to sell
later, I hope to outlive my collection at the pace I drink it J. I love to read about it, go on websites to see if I
can buy a bottle (living in South Africa does offer logistical and financial obstacles).
I have attached a photo of what my best(?) whisky collection, should you be interested.

Gawie van As

Michael Lamberti

Whisky in seiner Vielfalt fasziniert mich.
Sowohl der Inhalt als auch das Aussehen der Flaschen.
Genau kann ich es nicht sagen, Whisky zieht mich an.
Ich habe bereits ein Tasting mit euch machen dürfen. Das war in Trier.
Ganz toll gemacht und auch ganz tolle Whiskys dürfte ich probieren.
Dafür noch einmal Danke.
Beste Grüße,
Michael Lamberti

Michael Lamberti

Bourens Sven

Ich trinke Whisky gerne ein Gälssschen Whisky zu abschluss des Tages und das fast jeden tag
ich mag fruchtige/süsse/herbe geschmackssorten ich habe euch auf dem Ritterfest in
Düdelingen gesehen und auch ausprobiert.

Bourens Sven


Just check out my instagram accoung “whiskeyinthejar___”. Then you’ll see
Anyway, I mostly open&enjoy with friend but I sometimes collect.


Nils Leches

Hey guys,
I buy whisky because it needs passion, patience and wisdom to create it and the same
features to drink it!

Nils Leches


Hey there,
To answer your question “the number one reason I buy whisky”.
Simply speaking, because I like it. I enjoy the taste and I’m always ready to discover the
differents kinds of whiskies available and their various tastes.


PAULY Benoit

Hello Stephan and Ivo,
It’s tough to only think of one. I would have to say : to sit together with friends and share a new or make them discover your favourite
Mich Gross from Pacha gave me your flyer and advised me to look you up. Already glad he did.

PAULY Benoit

Alexander Sidorov

Guys, really happy to have discovered you.
Why I buy Whisky?
It is like a good relationship. After you have tried a few wee drams here and there you settle
with what you believe is the most corresponding to your taste. And that’s just the start of your
life together because you keep discovering every time you drink it a new facet you didn’t spot
before.. The more you drink, the more you learn to distinguish the more you appreciate it.
Looking forward to the next tasting.

Alexander Sidorov

Henriette Larbiere

I just signed up!
I buy single malt Whisky simply because of its fantastic taste(s) and the good feeling it gives
you! 🙂

Henriette Larbiere


Hey I just signed up


Corinne Kinn

Mein Mann liebt Whisky

Corinne Kinn

Diederich Jeff

ich hoffe du hast noch eine Flasche über bis zu meinem Geburtstag 😉

Diederich Jeff

Jörg Kramer

Hallo Stephan, Hallo Ivo,
ich trinke einfach gerne ab und zu einen guten schluck Whisky. der Sammelgedanke steht bei mir eher im
Jörg Kramer

Jörg Kramer


Dear Sir,
the package just arrived. Thank you very much!


Eljee Say Nay

the number one reason for me to buy whisky is: TO ENJOY this beautiful spirit as much as I
can, quality wise this is
Leonard J

Eljee Say Nay


Top reason to buy whiskey is just pleasure and curiosity.
Specifically I m serarching for a vintage 1984 ish bottle as a very special gift for my boyfriend 34th bday.
Hope you could come back to me with some of the info



To drink.


Moshe Joseph Issacharoff

Its my hobby that I enjoy and I am huge collector I spend in the thousands each week.

Moshe Joseph Issacharoff

Eric Van Lancker

My nummer One reason is very simple: I just like the taste of a good, especially a single malt, whisky.

Eric Van Lancker

dimitar atanasov

It is a pleasure for me to share good moments with good whiskey.

dimitar atanasov

Jörg Peters

Hallo Stephan Hallo Ivo,
ich kaufe Whisky zum Genuss !! 😉
Gruß Jörg

Jörg Peters

Matthew Tipton

In regards to your question, I enjoy it.

Matthew Tipton

Piet Hein Verbruggen

Good afternoon gentlemen
I a looking forward meeting you and am planning to visit your shop in Steinfort this Saturday.
My main reason for buying whisky (or whiskey) is to enjoy a smooth glass or two every now and then. I recently moved from a Caribbean island (Curacao) where it wasn’t as easy or tasty (mostly due to the climate). After moving and with the drop in temperature, I am looking forward to finding a nice smooth little burn again.
See you soon

Piet Hein Verbruggen

Guillaume de Vergnies

Hi Stephan and Ivo,
Great friendships and gifts!

Guillaume de Vergnies

Andreas Rieger

Der Grund ist, weil es nichts Besseres gibt als einen richtig guten Single Malt zu genießen!!

Andreas Rieger


Hello you both

I love to drink whisky from time to time, especially during autumn and winter. I prefer the taste of malt whisky.
Today I decided to know more about the world of whisky.
This is the reason I subscribed.
Kind regards from Hoeselt (B)


Lisa Schönborn

Halli Hallo ihr Zwei,
Der Grund Whisky zu kaufen ist ganz einfach Liebe und Leidenschaft zu diesem einzigartigen Getränk…. wie ich dazu kam…. ich habe über 10 Jahre das Glück gehabt die Sammlung der Kyrburg zu betreuen und mit erweitern zu dürfen!
Führe selber durch Tastings und Sammele Privat natürlich auch Whisky ….
Ganz liebe Grüße Lisa Schoenborn
Von meinem

Lisa Schönborn

Michael Waddell

Number one reason I buy whisky?
To drink it. I’ll bet that is original.
Uniqueness. I’ve tried most of the commercial blends and single malts.
My day to day is a blend and water.
But I look for something I’ve never seen before when shopping.

Michael Waddell

Henk D”hont

Every whisky is made to share with friends at any moment. So, the number 1 reason i buy
whisky is that i love these moments and my friends. 😉

Henk D"hont

Friedrich Schulz

Hallo! Warum ich mich eingeschrieben habe ist einfach zu erklären: Von einem guten Whisky kann man gar nicht genug haben!

Friedrich Schulz

Thorsten Hendriks

Um ab und zu einfach mal mit Genuss und Muße bei einem guten Whisky entspannen zu können!

Thorsten Hendriks


Hallo Stephan und Ivo,
Mein Hauptgrund zum Whisky kauf ist um ihn zu trinken, irgendwann .


Ralf W

Moien Stephan, ich wünsche Dir alles Gute, viel Glück und Erfolg im
neuen Jahr:-D

Ralf W


Danke Stephan,
Bitte ins Körbchen als letzte 2019 oder erste 2020.
Guten Rutsch und alles Gute für 2020 (spiritful !!)



I am very happy to receive your email. Can you send me a more detailed introduction to
whisky? I am interested in understanding, thank you


Olivier M

It ‘s an order for a client in switzerland .

Olivier M

Niall T

Hi, I actually work in the whisky industry and just love whisky in general. I am travelling to
Luxembourg in November and would love to come tell you guys what we do.

Niall T

Jean-Pol M


Jean-Pol M

Philippe K

Whisky makes me travel… That’s the main reason – plus I happen to be very fond of the beverage !

Philippe K

Pascal C

Glade to heard about you.
I’m searching a group to Know more about whisky and of course taste its, having new
For me, the best Alcool is … whisky.
In July, i will go for a trip in Scotland with my family.
I’m waiting your proposal in the next weeks.
Pascal C

Pascal C

Thorsten B

Sei gegrüßt, lieber Stephan,
danke für das nette spontane Gespräch.
Hier nun meine Kontaktdaten sowie Arminias
Ich freue mich sehr auf die Möglichkeit, mit dir
sogar in Einzelstunden noch mehr über die Welt
der Whiskies zu erfahren.
Unser Treffen auf dem Mittelaltermarkt in
Luxemburg war schon toll und ich bin sicher,
dass dein Wissen verbunden mit deiner coolen
Art, mir sicher noch Etliches eröffnen werden.
Freue mich, von dir zu hören!
Bis dahin, sei bedankt für Deine Mühen.
Herzlichst grüßt dich
Thorsten B

Thorsten B

Joseph M

Hallo Stephan und Ivo,
Nun ich finde Whisky interessant sein Geschmack und die Vielfalt die es gibt.
Am liebsten torffigem Geschmack.
Auf bald

Joseph M

Philippe K

Whisky makes me travel… That’s the main reason – plus I happen to be very fond of the beverage !

Philippe K

Olli B

Ich kaufe Whisky weil ich es geniessen diesen mit Freunden zu tasten.

Olli B


Hallo Stephan und Ivo
Ich finde Whisky ist immer ein elegantes Geschenk für Freunde. Daher finde ich besonders die
Mystery tasters und Whisky boxes cool.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,



zum sammeln und genießen



Hi guys happy new year. I like whisky to drink and am starting a collection for both enjoying
and investment.
Cheers, Neil



Genuß,…….. erst dann sammeln


Thomas H

der Hauptgrund für mich ist meine Sammel Leidenschaft.
Ich trinke keinen Whisky oder anderen Alkohol, einzig das beitzen (meist limitierten Edition)
begeistert mich.
Ok, und die Annahme einer Wertseigerung spielt eine Rolle……
Beste Grüße
Thomas H

Thomas H

Slainte M

Hey guys,
thx for mailing.
I’m a whisky fan, drinker & connisseur since my 18th birthday. Now I’m 41. So there was and
will be a long road of tasting interesting whiskys. My reason for signing up is to find some
interesting older bottlings, you must know I’m an old paxarette guy if it comes to great Sherry
malts before it was being forbidden in 1984. I in love with the obe (old bottle effect) too. And
nowadays there are some interesting world whiskys.
Slainte M

Slainte M

timo p

I like whiskies – very simple – it is the taste.
timo p, finland

timo p


Hi I collect whisky I have 500 unopened bottles starting 1976 I lookout for unusual labels
shapes etc Yours Peter


Eu C.

Dear Sir,
My husband enjoys whiskey and I would like to get a tasting box for him as a Christmas gift.
Is it possible for me to drop by your store next Thursday (13 December) around 1pm?
Thank you very much.
Best Regards,

Eu C.

Alexander Th.

Weil mich der Stephan in die Welt des Whisky eingeweiht hat!!
Mit besten Grüßen

Alexander Th

Matthew T

In regards to your question, I enjoy it.

Matthew T


Good afternoon gentlemen
I a looking forward meeting you and am planning to visit your shop in Steinfort this Saturday.
My main reason for buying whisky (or whiskey) is to enjoy a smooth glass or two every now
and then. I recently moved from a Caribbean island (Curacao) where it wasn’t as easy or tasty
(mostly due to the climate). After moving and with the drop in temperature, I am looking
forward to finding a nice smooth little burn again.
See you soon



Hi Stephan and Ivo,
Great friendships and gifts!


Andreas R

Der Grund ist, weil es nichts Besseres gibt als einen richtig guten Single Malt zu genießen!!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Andreas R


Hello you both
I love to drink whisky from time to time, especially during autumn and winter. I prefer the
taste of malt whisky.
Today I decided to know more about the world of whisky.
This is the reason I subscribed.
Kind regards from Hoeselt (B)


Lisa S

Halli Hallo ihr Zwei,
Der Grund Whisky zu kaufen ist ganz einfach Liebe und Leidenschaft zu diesem einzigartigen
Getränk…. wie ich dazu kam…. ich habe über 10 Jahre das Glück gehabt die Sammlung der
Kyrburg zu betreuen und mit erweitern zu dürfen!
Führe selber durch Tastings und Sammele Privat natürlich auch Whisky ….
Ganz liebe Grüße

Lisa S

Michael W

Number one reason I buy whisky?
To drink it. I’ll bet that is original.
Uniqueness. I’ve tried most of the commercial blends and single malts.
My day to day is a blend and water.
But I look for something I’ve never seen before when shopping.

Michael W


Every whisky is made to share with friends at any moment. So, the number 1 reason i buy
whisky is that i love these moments and my friends. 😉


Friedrich S

Hallo! Warum ich mich eingeschrieben habe ist einfach zu erklären: Von einem guten Whisky
kann man gar nicht genug haben!

Friedrich S

Barrett A

My best friend in the US is the barrel aging master at a Chicago brewery and he introduced me
to whiskey. Love the taste. Really looking forward to meeting other people in Lux who are into
whiskey – it doesn’t seem to be too accessible here.

Barrett A

Thorsten H

Um ab und zu einfach mal mit Genuss und Muße bei einem guten Whisky entspannen zu können!

Thorsten H


Hallo Stephan und Ivo,
Mein Hauptgrund zum Whisky kauf ist um ihn zu trinken, irgendwann .
